Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back at UPLB

Yesterday morning we went to finish up all of our pre-enrollment medical exam stuff so that we can get our study permits. We had to pick up our chest x-ray results and have a physical done- sounds quick and easy, right? Not at all. One of the forms we had to fill out required information we didn’t have, so we had to walk back to SEARCA and then back to the hospital, and as we are on the side of a mountain, almost the entire walk is up a steep hill! Trying to walk that…twice…in this humidity was not fun at all. Needless to say, I was pouring by the time we finally got to the hospital for the second time. They had a bunch of stations set up that we had to visit in a certain order before we finally got to see the doctor and get their final approval to allow us to enroll.  There was a LOT of waiting in rooms without air conditioning and the doctors took a lunch break while we were waiting….this whole ordeal took us FIVE hours – not a pleasant morning, but at least we got it taken care of!

After getting back from the hospital, we were quite hungry so we decided to go to the McDonald’s right outside the entrance to UPLB. I decided to go McDonald’s Filipino style and tried their fried chicken and rice- probably the best friend chicken I have ever had! On the way back to SEARCA, we took some pictures.

UPLB Heritage Tower - more commonly referred to as Kwek-Kwek Tower, but I have no idea what that means. 

This is in Carabao Park. UPLB started out as an agricultural college, and this is a tribute to the traditional Filipino "work horse," except it is more like an ox. 

This is called The Oblation. It is sort of like the Sparty of UPLB. 

This is the UPLB Heritage tree - as you can see it is HUGE! Funny thing is, it is actually an American Cotton tree...how odd. 

This is a river that runs through campus - quite a different sight from the Red Cedar at MSU!

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