Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey All!

So you probably heard about this from my mother, or maybe I actually told you myself, but either way thanks for checking out my blog. I'm new to this, so bear with me. This is where I will be posting pictures and blurbs about the exciting and interesting things that I do and see while in the Philippines. I love Filipino food, so there will be a lot of that, I'm sure. I'll try to post links to recipes in case you want to try your hand at any of the deliciousness before your eyes. I know the trip is a long way off, but I'm just so EXCITED!!! I haven't really been anywhere other than Canada and Mexico, so this is a pretty big step for me, a little nervous, but definitely looking forward to it!

I will be leaving for the Philippines in late May. This is a couple weeks before classes actually start, but RJ and I will be staying with his relatives who live near the University of the Philippines, Los Banos (UPLB). We'll spend some time visiting his relatives and just getting our bearings before we have to settle down and get to work.  UPLB is sort of like the MSU of the Philippines- it started out as an agriculture college, but has significantly expanded its curriculum in recent years. I will be taking a couple of civil engineering classes as well as Filipino culture/history classes.  The semester ends in the middle of October, and I will be returning to the U.S. on October 23rd, just in time to turn 22!